JAAPHARM - quality trusted by Canadians since 1988 as it has been consistently providing innovative products of the highest quality, purity & safety.
Located in Woodbridge (Toronto), Ontario, Canada, Jaapharm is one of Canada's fastest growing, 100 % independent Canadian Solid Dosage pharmaceutical manufacturers. Our state-of-the-art 75,000 square foot facilities are on the leading edge of pharmaceutical Research & manufacturing technology.
After spending 23 million dollars in the Research & Development HFDC (High Force Direct Compression) technique (Patent Pending) was developed by Jaapharm making us one of the largest manufacturer in world for solid dosage (compression) products.
Jaapharm products are manufactured in full compliance with the Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs). We are the holder of seven NOC (Notice of Compliance's) for new drug status products in Canada. Also holder of more than 150 product registrations and is seeking FDA approval on many additional products.
We combine scientific experience with dedicated, cross-functional teams to support the success of our discovery. Our specialty solid dosage and lyophilization are on the leading edge of pharmaceutical manufacturing technology from concept to solid dosage forms. Our new technology can help reduce the lengthy trial and error process by identifying the most promising lead formulation for a neutraceutical or drug product development.